
How does restoration ecology consider climate change uncertainties in forested ecosystems?
On Traitors of Truth and Merchants of Doubt
Patterns of Linear Enamel Hypoplasia: Limitations and Recommendations for Analysis
Abstract for EPPA2024
Analysis for EPPA2024 Poster
Linear Enamel Hypoplasia representiveness in individuals
Open Science: Just Science Done Right Wallpaper
Research Plan PROCess
PubCast: What makes a convivial community tool? Investigating grassroots ecological restoration
Next step of: 2023 Sci-Hub EU Downloads Tracker
Research Data Management towards FAIR
Publishing research output continuously : The case of modular publishing (PROCess)
PubCast: Motivations for volunteers to participate in ecological restoration: A systematic map
Ethics request forms for focus group discussion on barriers to adopting modular publishing
Sharing your data on 4TU.ResearchData: 4TU.ResearchData Roadshow Presentation at TU/e
Peer review, fake papers and paper mills
Selective Outcome Reporting in 20 minutes
PubCast: A commentary on the role of hatcheries and stocking programs in salmon conservation and adapting ourselves to less‐than‐wild futures
Selection of summaries of some of the collaborative work during Open Science Retreat 2024, the Netherlands (#OSR24NL) & list of contributors of those participants who gave their ORCID for the contributor list
Decisions in 67 symmetric 2x2 one-shot games
Research in 2050
Measuring Open Science
Change narrative workshop sketch notes
Persona non grata in open infrastructure
Working introduction
Slides to talk on Research Integrity and Open Science
On the proper and optimal use of manufacturing process data in predictions and realtime decision-making
Around meta-analysis (15): emerging Large Language Models (LLM) tools
Issue and pull request data for epiverse-trace
Collecting issue and pull request data for a GitHub organization
Research Software Policy, On The Road To Find Out
2023 Sci-Hub EU Downloads Tracker
Code peer review workshop: towards more reproducible and reliable research
Code to reproduce Fig 2 of 'Correctly structured problem lists lead to better and faster clinical decision-making'
A Manifesto for Community Management at Research and Knowledge Organisations
BeReal study
Published article: A Manifesto for Rewarding and Recognizing Team Infrastructure Roles
Learn to pay attention: distinct development of activity in dorsal and ventral medial prefrontal cortex
Top-down control and goal-directed behavior: on the role of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) in positive and negative valence paradigms
Methodological comparison between fiber photometry and miniaturized endoscopes
Switchmaze: automated, ongoing measurement of motivation and drive switching in mice
Measuring motivation and drive switching in rodents – why and how?
Build instructions for a long term behavioural enclosure for measuring motivational switching in mice
Next steps in automated handler-free behavioural recordings: spatially discretized behavioural cycles
Conference paper : Mapping Afro-Cuban Digital Communities (2019)
Figures from network analysis of afrocuban activist websites
Health policy and mental resilience as the determinants of burnout, anxiety, and depresion amidst adversity
dataset of crawled websites from Afro Cuban activist entry points
Single entry module for rodent work using Arduino and Raspberry Pi
CoreBirds: Connecting Open Research outputs in the Ecology of Birds
Tracking and Mainstreaming Replications across the Social, Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences (TRACKREP)
PubCast - Putting Voice in Scholarly Work and Science Communication
ShareTrait: an open data resource to achieve a synthesis of the evolution and ecology of traits
Fostering a national Community-led network to accelerate Open Science practices: Foster OSC-NL
Promotional ResearchEquals Poster (variant 2)
Promotional ResearchEquals Poster (variant 1)
Voice and Tone for Communities
Open Dataset, Leaving the Academy
Next step of: Next step of: Leaving the Academy: A Participatory Open Research Approach
Boundary Spanning Work
Next step of: Leaving the Academy: A Participatory Open Research Approach
Next step of: Workshop 2, Leaving the Academy
Workshop 3, Leaving the Academy
Next step of: Workshop 1, Leaving the Academy
DOAJ Public Data Dump January 2023
Publishing Research Output Continuously (PROCess): The case of modular publishing
How Did Romanian Science Look Like in 2022? An Entire Year of Data from OpenAlex
Next step of: ChatGPT, Google Scholar and the Matthew Effect - What the Heck Did this Preprint Want to Tell Us
ChatGPT, Google Scholar and the Matthew Effect - What the Heck Did this Preprint Want to Tell Us
10 Strategies to Boost the Impact of Your Research
Design workshop "Alternative C.V.: what should it look like?"
Proposal Open Science Conference 2023
The Alternative C.V: what should it look like?
All-Time Romanian (Language) Science Indexed in Web of Science
Compare podcast qualities automatically to create reference quality
“I’m not paid to make GUIs” and other barriers to positive user experiences
Interview Guide: Management strategies in (scientific) teams
Timed running wheel for rodent work using Arduino and Raspberry Pi
Sensing water dispenser for rodent work using Arduino and Raspberry Pi
Modular Publishing: Making all research work visible
Proposal Open Access Tage 2023
Physics-informed Machine Learning: The Next Evolution in Neural Network Development
Evaluating the Potential of Search Bots for Theoretical Research in Quantum Technologies Using R
Metadata Causal Inference of Concept Drifts in Probabilistic-Relational Machine Learning: Predictive Analytics Using Graph Theory Methods in Cyber-Defense
Figure: Publication bias
BIOSCAN: Species discovery, interactions and dynamics
PubCast - Alternative Seafood Networks During COVID-19
PubCast - “Nature’s Little Helpers”: A benefits approach to voluntary cultivation of hatchery fish to support wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations in Norway, Wales, and Germany
PubCast - ‘Do you care about the river?' A critical discourse analysis and lessons for management of social conflict over Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) conservation in the case of voluntary stocking in Wales.
PubCast - Managing Many Nets
PubCast - Seeing Beneath Disputes
PubCast - Big Catch, Undecided Risks: Perspectives of Risk, Reward, and Trade-Offs in Alaska's Salmon Enhancement Program
PubCast Protocol
Order of play - disorder of the world
Would You Bot
Urban harvests: food security and local fish and shellfish in Southcentral Alaska
Multilingual Computational Linguistics (Lecture at the University of Passau in the Winter Term 2022/2023)
Risk-of-bias assessment protocol BR trial
ALL-IN-META-BCG-CORONA R code to reproduce analysis and figures
ALL-IN-META-BCG-CORONA Tutorial on processing e-value sequence by calendar date
ALL-IN-META-BCG-CORONA Working instructions for data-uploaders V2
ALL-IN-META-BCG-CORONA Working instructions for data-uploaders V1
ALL-IN-META-BCG-CORONA Statistical Analysis Plan V2
ALL-IN-META-BCG-CORONA Statistical Analysis Plan V1
Making it easy to generate CrossRef XML with confidence
Creating nice tables in R
ResearchEquals Lightning Talk @ Exploring the potential of alternative publishing models (JISC workshop)
Manuscript accepted for publication
Updated version after review of: R script Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis Type D
Creating nice tables in R - mind map
Making all research work visible
An interactive research dilemma using Twine
Bribery Games - A Meta-Analysis
Precision of detecting identifying information
URLs to open datasets (CSV) hosted on the Open Science Framework
Workshop 2, Leaving the Academy
Workshop 1, Leaving the Academy
Leaving the Academy: A Participatory Open Research Approach
Objective characterization of personality traits from fMRI during audio-visual story viewing
Probabilities of cooperative moves in all 67 symmetric ordinal two-player two-moves games
Charting the Constellation of Science Reform
Scoping Review Protocol - Responsible research
Are all voices heard in the transition to open science?
Metascience 2019 Poster
A manifesto for rewarding and recognising Team Infrastructure Roles
Checklist for reporting on imputation methodology evaluations
Aggregate dataset of open data without identifying information
Emergent models of academic publishing
Low-cost cellular reagents for biotech programming in a community lab setting
Synthetic identifying information for 100,000 individuals: A pseudo-population
Encuesta InES Ciencia Abierta UCen
Simulating data with identifiable information
Presentation for FU Berlin PANNE group
Credit where credit is due: Acknowledging the true breadth of roles and skills that comprise research
Figure: Open science concepts
Unlocking Crucial Cortical Connections in Human Neural Dynamics for Health and Disorder
Code to produce figure summarizing the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions of five publishers
Around meta-analysis (14): deduplicating bibliographic records
Around meta-analysis (13): Benchmarking your online database searches
Around meta-analysis (12): decision trees
Around meta-analysis (11): collecting full-texts
Around meta-analysis (10): managing projects with Workstreams
Around meta-analysis (9): getting a phylogenetic tree
Around meta-analysis (8): how about all-inclusive software?
Around meta-analysis (7): some use for clouds
Around meta-analysis (6): heterogeneity vs. quality
Around meta-analysis (5): presenting AMSTAR
Around meta-analysis (4): data sharing and vanishing data
Around meta-analysis (3): collecting data for meta-analysis – Part III
Around meta-analysis (2): collecting data for meta-analysis – Part II
Around meta-analysis: (1) collecting data for meta-analysis - Part I
Art of Principled Negotiation (for junior researchers)
Next step of: Urban Vitality Open Science Checklist
Corrected data collected from sustainability reports (Informa, RELX, Sage, Springer Nature, Wiley)
Data collected from sustainability reports (Informa, RELX, Sage, Springer Nature, Wiley)
Automatic Detection of Identifiers in Open Data (ADIODA)
Blog 19: De cirkel is rond
Blog 18: De onderzoeksdata
Blog 17: Daar gaat ze
Preregistration of sample sizes in psychological research over time
Growth of journal articles 1800-2020
Blog 16: Het boek Ommetjes door het parkinsonbrein
Blog 15: Het prototype
Blog 14: De poster
Blog 12 en 13: Van eerste indruk naar concept zelfhulptool
Journals on Twitter: Chemistry
Journals on Twitter: Predatory Journals
Journals on Twitter: Clinical Medicine
Blog 11: De vragenlijst
Blog 10: De vertaalslag
Blog 9: Parkinson en de tijdbuigers
Blog 8: Reflecties op de data-analyse van fase 1
Blog 7: De focusgroep bijeenkomsten
Presentation findings Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis Type D
R script Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis Type D
Preregistration Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis Type D personality
All that glitters isn’t gold – acknowledging limitations in scientific manuscripts [presentation]
Urban Vitality Open Science Checklist
Scalable variant detection in pangenome models
Computational Aspects of Models of Evolution
Test draft title
Poster 'Parkinson patients' preferences in circumventing obstacles in thinking' (Dutch/English)
Artikel: Starten met het COPIED onderzoek
Blog 6: De coronatwist
Blog 5: Het amendement bij de niet-WMO aanvraag van de COPIED studie
Blog 4: PRPP in beeld
Blog 3: De niet-WMO aanvraag van de COPIED studie. COPIED onderzoek niet WMO-plichtig
Blog 2: Lekensamenvatting COPIED studie
Blog 1: Grant awarded, application shared
Onderzoeksvoorstel COPIED studie
Can Interracial Parasocial Interactions in Video Games Reduce Prejudice and Promote Support for Anti-Racism? A Study Proposal
Many Paths sampling frames
Many Paths project invitation
How to get involved with Many Paths?
Why we're starting Many Paths
DOI Primer
The AMAAL project - Ask Me Anything About the Law
Visual consent forms
Story of a Civic Sentinel
A colourful toolbox: Health Citizen Science under the GDPR
Power-Play in Anti-Oedipe
Figure: interlinked digital research objects