ALL-IN-META-BCG-CORONA R code to reproduce analysis and figures

doi: 10.53962/hetr-94gh

Originally published on 2023-02-06 under a CC BY 4.0



This R code reproduces all figures and tables in the manuscript:

Ter Schure et al. (2022) Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine to reduce COVID-19 infections and hospitalisations in healthcare workers – a living systematic review and prospective ALL-IN meta-analysis of individual participant data from randomised controlled trials*

All analyses are based on summary statistics, since the ALL-IN-META-BCG results are based on two-stage analyses. The summary statistics are included as .csv-files in the Data zip file. The code that produces the summary statistics is also available, with synthetic data added in the DataSynthetic zip file to try it out.

*Unfortunately, Figure 4 (Exact logrank e-values for COVID-19 infections and hospitalisations) and Figure 7 (Sequences of anytime-valid confidence intervals for the trials and the meta-analysis) in the MedRxiv manuscript of December 19 2022 are based on outdated results for the SA trial. Fortunately, the abstract and discussion section show the up-to-date trial results, as well as all other figures and tables in the manuscript. The updated Figure 4 and Figure 7 are qualitatively similar to the figures in the manuscript, and included in the Data zip file attached.

Main file

ALL-IN-META-BCG-CORONA R code for plots (based on processed and published summary data.R

Supporting files


  1. ALL-IN-META-BCG-CORONA Statistical Analysis Plan V1. doi: 10.53962/qs20-1xve
  2. ALL-IN-META-BCG-CORONA Tutorial on processing e-value sequence by calendar date. doi: 10.53962/qm9h-9bea
  3. ALL-IN-META-BCG-CORONA Working instructions for data-uploaders V1. doi: 10.53962/xwm2-j2qx
  4. Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine to reduce COVID-19 infections and hospitalisations in healthcare workers – a living systematic review and prospective ALL-IN meta-analysis of individual participant data from randomised controlled trials. doi: 10.1101/2022.12.15.22283474