Fostering a national Community-led network to accelerate Open Science practices: Foster OSC-NL

doi: 10.53962/q5k9-bsxw

Originally published on 2023-07-13 under a CC BY 4.0



A grant proposal for the Dutch Research Council's Open Science Fund. Summary: Open Science Communities (OSCs) are local, bottom-up initiatives aimed at accelerating the adoption of Open Science practices in academia through peer-to-peer learning. The Dutch network of OSC’s (OSC-NL; empowers the twelve local OSC’s in the Netherlands and voices their bottom-up perspectives on Open Science to national (policy) stakeholders. This project will accelerate the impact of this community-led network by 1) professionalising the network’s community management through knowledge exchange and training, and 2) creating opportunity, time, and resources for engaging the research community in together shifting norms towards a more open future by organising specific open science events. Team members:

A.E. van 't Veer (Leiden University), A. Eerland (Radboud University), A.S.G. Sarafoglou (University of Amsterdam), M.M. Imming (Imming Impact), H. Seibold (IGDORE)

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  1. Towards wide-scale adoption of open science practices: The role of open science communities. doi: 10.1093/scipol/scab039