PubCast - ‘Do you care about the river?' A critical discourse analysis and lessons for management of social conflict over Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) conservation in the case of voluntary stocking in Wales.

doi: 10.53962/qhh2-4yjj

Originally published on 2023-03-02 under a CC BY 4.0



This paper explores the conflict that arose between stakeholders after the 2014 decision to end Atlantic salmon stocking in Wales. Using discourse analysis, the paper examines how the conflict unfolded and gives recommendations for avoiding such conflicts in the future.

This paper was authored by Hannah L. Harrison, Sophia Kochalski, Robert Arlinghaus, and Øystein Aas.

This paper was originally published in People and Nature.

Main file

People and Nature paper recording_FINAL.mp3


  1. PubCast Protocol . doi: 10.53962/hzk8-8ytf