Presentation for FU Berlin PANNE group

doi: 10.53962/w3xc-c2jb

Originally published on 2022-07-22 under a CC0 Public Domain Dedication



These are the slides for a presentation I did on 2022-07-19, on invitation of the Freie Universität Berlin PANNE Group (led by Dr. Helen Niemeyer). The PANNE group focuses on publication bias analysis, and in this presentation I discussed how the (in)visibility of research work can expand our notion of publication bias. I propose a set of assumptions from Liberate Science's theory of change as a framework to be the basis of such an expanded notion of publication bias.

Main file



  1. Nondisclosure of queer identities is associated with reduced scholarly publication rates. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0263728
  2. The Oligopoly of Academic Publishers in the Digital Era. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0127502
  3. Towards an Expanded Conception of Publication Bias. doi: 10.36850/mr2