Modular Publishing: Making all research work visible

doi: 10.53962/kg3t-4wkp

Originally published on 2023-03-28 under a CC0 Public Domain Dedication



Talk at THE MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR EVOLUTIONARY ANTHROPOLOGY, Department of Human Behavior, Ecology and Culture on 2023-03-28. Abstract: Open science brings many changes, yet publishing remains the same. As a result, many improvements in the research and education process can't fulfill their promises. In order to facilitate a rapidly changing research ecosystem, ResearchEquals allows researchers to publish whatever outputs their work creates, instead of working to create outputs that can be published. Building on open infrastructures, ResearchEquals allows you to publish over 20 different types of research modules, with more being added based on the needs from you (e.g., theory, study materials, data, or software, presentations, abstracts). All of these research steps are linked together, to create a research journey - recognizing that educational materials, research design and analysis are all part of our learning journeys. In this session you will get an introduction to ResearchEquals and how to join to co-create the platform.

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