A colourful toolbox: Health Citizen Science under the GDPR

doi: 10.53962/rq8g-a6kd

Originally published on 2022-02-01 under a CC BY 4.0



On 12 and 13 October 2021, the SensJus project convened a workshop on Health-Citizen Science Dilemmas under the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), at the Brocher Foundation, Geneva. The page of the event is available at https://www.brocher.ch/fr/events/417/health-citizen-science-dilemmas-under-the-gdpr.

The workshop explored the scarcely researched implications of the GDPR for the active sharing of (environmental) health data within the framework of Citizen Science projects.

We discussed how data processing requirements under the GDPR may affect the advancement of Citizen Science for (environmental) health research, from a theoretical and empirical perspective.

The workshop was accompanied by two artists, one who captured the discussions and interactions among the physical and virtual audiences with a live drawing approach, the other who worked and is working on realizing visual consent forms for the SensJus project.

As a result of our collective brainstorming and note-taking, we realized A booklet, which can be freely downloaded here: https://sensingforjustice.webnode.it/l/a-colourful-toolbox-health-citizen-science-under-the-gdpr/

Main file

E-BOOK A colorful Toolbox - Citizen Science under the GDPR.pdf